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Violent Crimes

Violent crimes and theft crimes are considered to be two of the worst criminal offenses. If you are charged with either of these kinds of crimes, you will need the help of a powerful and effective criminal defense attorney to stand a chance against the aggressive prosecutors. The punishments for conviction on any of these charges can be severe, and qualified legal representation that will passionately and persistently defend you is absolutely necessary.


Murder or Homicide
Amongst all the different criminal offenses, homicide or murder is usually considered the most heinous crime with the most serious consequences. In some situations, a defendant may receive a life sentence in prison or even the death penalty. Murder is defined as the intentional unlawful killing of one human being by another human being, and murder is classified according to the level of severity and by degree. First degree murder is a premeditated act while murder in the second degree is committed with intent to kill or cause injury. This serious and complicated criminal offense is classified under the category of homicide.
Domestic Violence
Any violent act, threat of violence or abusive behavior that happens between people who live together, have a child between them, or were earlier married or dating can be considered domestic violence. The charge can be filed as either a felony or a misdemeanor, and is prosecuted by a special team.


Assault and Battery

Assault is an attempt to violently injure another person and may include any threat to do so. Battery is an unwanted physical act that causes harm. Cases of assault are typically misdemeanors, while battery charges can be either a misdemeanor or a felony. Either of these charges can result from any confrontation. Prosecutors take assault and battery cases very seriously because statistically offenders have a high chance of repeating these assault and battery crimes.


Terrorist Threats
A threat to kill or injure, even if no actual attack occurs or there is no intent of actually following up on the threat. Anyone convicted of a terrorist threat is subject to serve jail time.
Hate Crimes
Acts of intimidation, harassment, or use or threat of physical force against anyone based on race, ethnic background, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, and other specific reasons. Hate crimes are charged in addition to the original charge of murder, assault, and the like, and carry additional punishments. They are viewed in an especially negative way and may come with excessive sentences.


Vehicular Manslaughter

According to the law, vehicular manslaughter, by definition, means that the driver of a vehicle is being held responsible for the death of another human being which occurred because of criminal negligence or due to death by a traffic violation. The victim, in such cases, may be another individual in the car with the offending driver, or the victim could be a pedestrian, bicyclist, motorcyclist, or another motorist or passenger in a separate vehicle.
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Assault with a deadly weapon occurs when an individual assaults someone with a deadly weapon. A deadly weapon can be any object that or force that is sufficient to cause serious bodily injury. Assault with a vehicle, knife, bottle, baseball bat, drinking glass or any other object or tool that can cause bodily injury may be considered assault with a deadly weapon.
Child Abuse
Child abuse is a general term that usually encompasses many types of criminal conduct. Child abuse charges may be classified as one or more of several different violent crimes committed on a child. Because children cannot protect themselves against criminal conduct, this charge or accusation is prosecuted very aggressively.
Child Endangerment
Child endangerment occurs when an adult caregiver, such as a parent, legal guardian, baby sitter, or relative places a child in a dangerous or inappropriate situation. Child endangerment is not technically the same as child abuse since it does not involve directly causing harm to a child; child endangerment carries stiff penalties up to and including prison time.



Vandalism is the willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property. Even if the property damages are minimal, it is still a crime. Vandalism can be considered either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the severity of the damage. In felony cases, the consequences can be severe, such as prison time, fines and probation.

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Jeremy Dodgion, Attorney at Law, Co. LPA© 2008 | Nothing on this web site or its associated pages, comments, links, e-mail responses, articles or other communications and information are intended to be taken as legal advice for your individual situation. This web site is an advertisement for legal services only.

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